Debunking the 5 Myths of Marketing

A carefully constructed marketing campaign can deliver serious sales revenue, but before it can run like a well-oiled machine, marketers need to answer a series of crucial questions that will ultimately determine how customers click, share, and buy.

Unfortunately, most of the marketing businesses have done to date failed to meet the acid test – the only test that counts to generate more profits than it costs. Which begs the question: why does most marketing don’t work? Because it falls victim to a series of myths. Here are the most common myths about marketing in the enterprise:

Myth 1 – Great Products Sell Themselves

A great product is obviously important, but great product marketing is even more important. You have to constantly extoll the virtues of it, but even more importantly, you have to be able to convey a simple value proposition that creates a reaction.

Myth 2 – Discounts

Millennial influencers don’t fall for discounts, coupons, freebies, samples, or contests. They are very aware that if this brand/product has to discount to get their attention, then it must not be very good.

Myth 3 – Advertising and marketing are the same

Advertising means buying space or time to relay a message. It can be important to marketing or irrelevant, depending on the company and its goals.

Myth 4 – Marketing Is an Art, Not a Science

This is what people say when they don’t want to dig into the numbers. Funnels and conversion metrics don’t lie, so more than ever marketers need to be analytical and multi-prong in their approach to drive cost-effective leads into the top of the funnel.

Myth 5 – Word of Mouth is the Best Form of Marketing

Well, this one is actually true. But you can’t just rely on your customers to tweet about how great your company or your product is. It takes more than that. Videos and case studies are a great way to make your company and its products approachable by connecting them with a human face.